Make a Gift or Pledge to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅
每学年, 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅大学有两个目标:一是为今天的学生提供最好的教育,二是放眼未来,让我们继续为未来而努力. 的 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅基金 supports both of these goals through the school's annual operating budget. As an independent school, 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅不接受政府资助,主要资金来源是学费和慈善捐赠. If you would like to make an 无限制的礼物 to the 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅基金, you have the opportunity to direct your 无限制的礼物 to a budget-relieving area you value (see options below).
每学年, 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅大学有两个目标:一是为今天的学生提供最好的教育,二是放眼未来,让我们继续为未来而努力. 的 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅基金 supports both of these goals through the school's annual operating budget. As an independent school, 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅不接受政府资助,主要资金来源是学费和慈善捐赠. If you would like to make an 无限制的礼物 to the 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅基金, you have the opportunity to direct your 无限制的礼物 to a budget-relieving area you value (see options below).
Area of Greatest need
知道你的天赋将对我们的学生产生影响,并帮助我们提供卓越的学习和发展经验, 你可以把你的捐赠留给学院来分配,以支持其年度运作, including each of the areas described below.
艺术系给每个学生和我们的社区带来的是有形的方式, 当然, but in intangible ways as well. 它是每个学生经历的独立学校模式的重要组成部分. Our budget includes licensing fees for our theater performances, and the daily supplies such as music, canvas, 纸, 粘土, 油漆, 刷, 和铅笔. We also allocate money to support our award-winning yearbook.
维持广泛的运动队,并提供所有中学生和高年级学生参加的机会, 我们的预算包括各种资源所需的资金,这些资源可能包括:教练, 裁判, 司机, as well as the maintenance of our existing uniforms and equipment, or purchase new ones when they are needed.
我们感谢Orton Gillingham的教导对我们人行横道学生的生活产生的影响. 你们可能知道, 这种高度量身定制的指导对学生的发展至关重要,家庭为孩子支付额外的学费. 过去,我们已经独立筹集资金,为人行横道的学生提供学费支持. 今年,我们计划再次通过年度基金筹集资金来支持人行横道.
欢迎 & 安全的校园
年度基金帮助9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅确保9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅,每个人都感到身体安全和情感上的支持, as well as an environment where students and faculty thrive.
Professional Development
Our teachers deliver an excellent education to our students each and every day. To help faculty and staff grow professionally, 我们的预算包括艾利斯员工重要的专业发展, 伊顿, 和威利斯·霍尔斯, 比如为在霍林斯大学攻读硕士学位的教师提供学费援助.
将9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅纳入你的遗产规划不仅有助于学校成功完成使命, but it is also a great way to lessen your tax burden. 简单地说, 你是愿意把自己的血汗钱交给政府机构,还是交给一个渴望创造性和挑战性教育经历的孩子? For more information, visit our 计划给 page or contact our Assistant Head of School for Advancement, 威廉·格里尔, for more information and illustrated scenarios.
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅正在积极规划未来学生的教育, and as part of that planning, is pleased to announce the creation of the 传统社会 向校友、家长和朋友们表示敬意,感谢他们为学校准备了礼物. 我们衷心感谢以下文物学会会员:
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅正在积极规划未来学生的教育, and as part of that planning, is pleased to announce the creation of the 传统社会 向校友、家长和朋友们表示敬意,感谢他们为学校准备了礼物. 我们衷心感谢以下文物学会会员:
- 夫人. 查尔斯·L. 克罗克特,小.
- Mr. 和夫人. J. 兰德·加勒特三世
- Mr. 和夫人. David R. 湖
- Mr. 和夫人. Bittle W. 波特菲尔德,三世
- Mr. 和夫人. 约翰年代. 罗斯,小.
All year-end stock gifts should be processed through your broker by 12月15日 to ensure that your gift is counted in the current calendar year.
股票和债券等证券可以用来向9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅作慈善捐赠. 您有权获得慈善扣除(所得税和遗产税或赠与税)等于该证券在赠与之日的平均交易价值. 证券赠予的主要好处之一是任何增值都免征资本利得税.
Transfer stocks by phone or email
Electronic transfer is the preferred and simplest method for stock transfer. First, notify 蒂亚伯德 in the Development Office, 540-989-6641, ext. 284 or (电子邮件保护). If this is not done prior to a transaction, 捐赠人的身份可能会受到威胁,赠与也可能无法正常进入我们的账户.
第二个, 让你的经纪人给摩根士丹利美邦罗阿诺克办事处的朱迪·韦茨打电话或发邮件540-983-4907还是 (电子邮件保护) to advise her of the symbol or security description, approximate number and value of shares you intend to give, and if you want the gift to be for any special purpose.
Please note in the memo line what the donation is for, if you have the option when you make the gift, i.e. Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, etc.
Transfer stocks by mail
To send the certificates to Morgan Stanley Wealth Management:
To send stock certificates directly to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅
股票和债券等证券可以用来向9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅作慈善捐赠. 您有权获得慈善扣除(所得税和遗产税或赠与税)等于该证券在赠与之日的平均交易价值. 证券赠予的主要好处之一是任何增值都免征资本利得税.
Transfer stocks by phone or email
Electronic transfer is the preferred and simplest method for stock transfer. First, notify 蒂亚伯德 in the Development Office, 540-989-6641, ext. 284 or (电子邮件保护). If this is not done prior to a transaction, 捐赠人的身份可能会受到威胁,赠与也可能无法正常进入我们的账户.
第二个, 让你的经纪人给摩根士丹利美邦罗阿诺克办事处的朱迪·韦茨打电话或发邮件540-983-4907还是 (电子邮件保护) to advise her of the symbol or security description, approximate number and value of shares you intend to give, and if you want the gift to be for any special purpose.
Please note in the memo line what the donation is for, if you have the option when you make the gift, i.e. Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, etc.
Transfer stocks by mail
To send the certificates to Morgan Stanley Wealth Management:
- Do not write 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅’s name on the certificate
- Sign the back of the certificate
- 向摩根士丹利财富管理公司(Morgan Stanley Wealth Management)写一封指示信,说明你希望他们将股票存入North Cross的账户(电话:936-107507-028).
- 发送到 朱迪Wertz, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, 10 S. 杰斐逊圣., Suite 1700, 洛亚诺克, VA 24011.
To send stock certificates directly to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅
- 相关的股票权力必须由银行主管或投资经纪人使用大奖章签名担保章进行担保.
- Do not sign or write anything on the stock certificate itself.
- 为确保安全,将证书和备用电源放在不同的信封中.
- 发送到 威廉·格里尔, Assistant Head of School for Advancement, 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅, 4254 Colonial Avenue, SW, 罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018.
alternative gifting options
To spread out your gift over a period of time, 使用此页上的表格为9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅年度基金提供可靠的捐献,并选择经常性捐献选项. 继续分期付款,只要你想,或者如果你想停止他们,简单地发邮件 蒂亚伯德.
Make your check payable to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅, and send to:
Advancement Office
4254 Colonial Avenue
Corporate matching gifts program
Corporate matching gifts provide a wonderful opportunity to double, sometimes even triple your contribution to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅. 请与贵公司的人事办公室联系,了解贵公司配对礼品计划的具体信息. 在任何情况下,捐赠人都有必要从公司获得适当的表格,并将其提交给学校,以便我们收到匹配的捐赠.
Credit to Gift Societies and Clubs
Our fiscal year runs from 7月1日至6月30日. 确保您捐献给年度基金的捐献被应用到正确的捐献社及扶轮社, please make sure your gifts are given during this timeframe.
To spread out your gift over a period of time, 使用此页上的表格为9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅年度基金提供可靠的捐献,并选择经常性捐献选项. 继续分期付款,只要你想,或者如果你想停止他们,简单地发邮件 蒂亚伯德.
Make your check payable to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅, and send to:
Advancement Office
4254 Colonial Avenue
Corporate matching gifts program
Corporate matching gifts provide a wonderful opportunity to double, sometimes even triple your contribution to 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅. 请与贵公司的人事办公室联系,了解贵公司配对礼品计划的具体信息. 在任何情况下,捐赠人都有必要从公司获得适当的表格,并将其提交给学校,以便我们收到匹配的捐赠.
Credit to Gift Societies and Clubs
Our fiscal year runs from 7月1日至6月30日. 确保您捐献给年度基金的捐献被应用到正确的捐献社及扶轮社, please make sure your gifts are given during this timeframe.
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅's Tax ID number is 54-0699572 and its Tax Exemption Number is SE540699572F02052020.